Our xenia nano tank really stands out among nano tanks and not because of flashy corals or equipment but for reasons just the opposite. It’s a tank that’s always been kept simple which has made it a very stable and easy to maintain system.
JBJ 28 Gallon HQI
Marineland Stealth Heater
Titanium grounding probe
Red Saddleback Clownfish
Sunburst anemones
Pulsing xenia
Green fuzzy mushrooms
Green leathers
We keep it simple on this tank with no more maintenance than a weekly 10% water change and daily glass cleaning/feeding.
The theory behind this reef has been to keep it simple from the start. Simple stocking and equipment yields a tank which is easy to maintain and therefore much easier to maintain consistently. For fish we kept it nice and easy with a simple pair of red saddleback clownfish. These are on the aggresive side for clowns, but being alone in the tank keeps things peaceful and feeding to a minimum. Corals were all kept simple as well with nutrient loving soft corals dominating which sums up into a low nutrient and generally algae free tank. We also recently added a couple of the famous “Colorado Sunburst” anemones to this tank which have taken very well to the high lighting at the top of the reef provided by a 150 watt metal halide. Providing the flow are two stock JBJ pumps which have proven to be quiet and reliable over the years. Rounding it out we have a simple Marineland Stealth heater to keep things at a stable tropical temp.