Looking for a solution to add a refugium to your nano reef? Look no further! Finnex hang on refugiums in stock!

Don’t forget to stop in this weekend to take advantage of our summer clearance sale! 25% off anything in stock including fish, coral, inverts, food and dry goods. Sale prices not good with any other offers. Sale valid 9/25 through 9/28.

Starting today, stop by Elite Reef on Fridays to get buy one get one 16 oz. portions of AlgaGen’s live phytoplankton or live copepods. Not good with any other offers. First come first serve for pre-bagged buy on get one portions.

Starting tonight, help us clear out some stock and enjoy 25% off ANYTHING in stock including all coral, fish, food and dry goods. Sale prices not good with any other offers. Sale valid 9/25 through 9/28.