Take a brief tour with me of some of the nano reef aquarium displays housed at Elite Reef of Denver, Colorado including our five gallon Fluval, “Colorado Sunburst” anemone Biocube, and our extremely established 12 gallon Biocube. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mikejrice1 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elite-Reef/233504278468 Tweets by elitereef http://www.captivecoral.net http://www.fragging101.wordpress.com

Coral update from the flats of Elite Reef in Denver, Colorado including leather coral, star polyps, frogspawn, blastomussa, hammer coral, pink boobies chalice, acropora, zoanthids, duncans, montipora, lobophyllia, toadstool leather, gorgonians, galaxea, goniopora, clove polyps and more. Tim lapses included! Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mikejrice1 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elite-Reef/233504278468 Tweets by elitereef http://www.captivecoral.net http://www.fragging101.wordpress.com

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes including in the reef keeping hobby. Recently, I turned the light on my nano reef on to shoot some time lapse video and forgot to turn it off for an entire week! Woops The important thing to learn from these mistakes, however, is that everyone makes them and everyone has to Read More …